Thursday, October 6, 2011

The arrangement!

Do you love me?
He asked, what does that mean?
Of-course! In pretense.

I knew.

Why did you marry me?

He turned his back,
What is this rubbish have you started?

I knew, he was hiding.

The arrangement! was that the only reason?
He was angry, I knew

His angry voice was fading behind the momentary flashes,
The warm lines running wiped the reminiscent lashes.

His angry voice now calm, he sighed peace,
I turned back with a wobbly feet.

To a door of no return,
I leave.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Full Moon

It is full moon, I have planned something.
Dinner!, your favorite and your way,
There are candles, flowers, red wine & ice.
There is something I want to say tonight.

He said, ' You are the breathe of fresh air in my life'
The adventure in my daily monotone red,
The only racing stream to blush my pale.
You! have taken me away from me, he said
And now I will, he whispered with ice
I sensed the stench of warm red flowing,
beneath the cold moon light.